Saturday 31 October 2009

The Evil Evolution of Pollution

What you are about to read is truthfully happening today in The Vale of Glamorgan and I am sure it is happenning all over the British Isles. Firstly I think it right and proper to introduce myself. My name is Barrie V Evans a native of the Welsh Valleys and currently residing in The Vale of Glamorgan I have lived here in Barry for well over 30 years. My email address should you wish to contact me is

I am not in any way committed to or associated as a member of any political party, nor to I belong to any action groups or friends of the earth etc although I do attend some of their meetings especially if it concerns my environment and effects on my health in particular.

To begin this blog is very difficult as I have a lot to write about but finding where to start is a bit of a headache. so I will start by saying everything I write here is not for personal gain or designed to offend anyone in any way shape or form.What I will say is that all you read here is the truth to the best of my knowledge and belief. Are you sitting comfortably? ok then I will begin.

We have had many issues in The Vale of Glamorgan of maladministration by senior members of our county council and it goes from bad to worse. At present there is a local fight and arguement between residents and the council on the agreed planning permission to build a toxic waste burning incinerator near homes and businesses. Some of the businesses are involed in the processing of food and one such business is almost dead opposite the proposed plant. This particular plant is the brainchild of of the company known as Biogen (gasification 2-stage incineration.) What has happened in the run up to permission being granted is totally abhorrent and beyond belief. The council have concealed evidence Council leader Mr Jeff James has is guilty of non-disclosure of prejudicial interests and has not been brought before a conduct committee.

He and they have given false information and are guilty of maladministration of the first order.
The way in which they have misled the electorate is abysmal to say the least. The developer has not submitted an environment statement. The committee chairman has prejudicial interests which he has failed to declare. They have failed to advise that Welsh policy "WISE ABOUT WASTE" specifies that an EfW plant is only acceptable and the committee did not consider the options. The general code of conduct of most of the council memberes is nothing short of deplorable. The list goes on an on you can get a copy by contacting the email address above, do not bother to contact the council for a copy because all they will do is ignore any such request. The typical attitude of the council is to push things ahead without obsereving any rules or regulations.

You may wonder where this is all leading you, study the following remainder of this blog and I am more than sure it will reach your agreement and probably gain your support.

I recently sent an email to Councillor Jeff James and copied it in to all members of the council but so far I have only received one reply from one of the councillors who also ojected to the plans and he totally agrees with my reasons for not supporting the proposed plant and also agrees that senior members of the council are guilty of the alleged maladministration.

I firmly believe that all the other councillors have not seen my email due to the fact it was intercepted by their It department and concealed from them. The only reason that I had one reply was probably because I sent one copy to the council email address and the other was sent to his home address. The food processing plant near the site is owned by Rank Hovis/Premier Foods and their health,safety and environment coordinator registered their concerns via email to the planning officer but the rest of the council did not see it as it was concealed by the senior council member Mr Jeff James and some of his members as I allege. Then a strange thing occurred on my computor in as much as I had 108 contacts in my email address file and now there are onl 61 in the list the other 47 missing addresses were addresses of the 47 councillors and officials that I copied in on the email. Spooky but factual and abudantly true.

Now let me put you in the picture as to what was in my email to the council and this is where you will be totally dumbstruck with what you are about to read because no matter how intelligent you may be I don' t think you could guess or make up a story like this, in all honestly.

Here is a word for word rewrite of the said email.

Dear Councillor James

I attended a meeting of FOE o27 Oct 2009 The meeting was chaired by Mr Keith Stockdale and a number of councillors were present including Nic & Shirley Hodges and Christopher Elmore, also present was Mr Barry Shaw and guests. To cut to the chase I will start this communication by saying that I am inpossession of certain facts that will be damaging to your administration. I say they are facts because facts are always true and cannot be denied.

The way in which you have hoodwinked the electorate on the propsed Gasification plant amazes me to say the least. Never before have I witnessed such an abuse of power by anyone in public office and I will include David Foster and Shaun Stringer in that number. It is alleged that you said no company or business on Barry Dock objected or expressed concernof this proposal. That is a bare faced lie to start with, as I have in my possesion, copy emails to Mr Steve Ball from Rank Hovis/Premier Foods registering their concern on this proposal. You said that this facility will bring much needed jobs to Barry, that may be true but at what cost? If as I suspect that the facility will emit ultra fine toxic particles coupled with thousands of tons of toxic ash per year,the cost will then be the loss of jobs with the possibility of Rank Hovis Premier Foods closing their business on environmental health and safety issues. This I am sure will also result in the mass exodus of other businesses on and around the docks for the same reason.

There may not have been any other objections or concerns due to the very fact that information was concealed by your administratin for dubious means or intentions. I have a list of misdemeanours by your administration of which I will gladly send you for you for your perusal. It is also alleged there was a non-disclosure of prejudicial interests on your behalf.

The people of Barry are not prepared to accept accept this or any level of maladministration any longer. You have ignored the views of the electorate on numerous issues this being the worst that anyone has ever witnessed. You say that your experts have told you that this plant is completely and of no danger to life or limb. I beg to differ, there have been many cases where experts have been proved wrong in the past and time will prove them wrong on this issue Example 1. Houses built on a disused waste tip in Leckwith where the locals were assured by the so called experts that there would be no danger of any emissions from that particular site, the result is now that thos houses are rendered worthless because of atmospheric pollution and a hap hazard decision by a previous administration in that area. You may say that this was just an isolated case and you are wondering where I am leading on to. Well that is quite simple as it is not an isolated case as you shall see if you care to peruse further into this communication. In West Glamorgan only quite recently there was a similar outcome to the advice of experts this time with homes built on a disused gasworks and believe it or not the experts were wrong again. We could have a similar situation here on Barry's former graving dock, filled in with toxic waste against the wishes of the electorate.

Moving on I will go back to the burning issue in question (please excuse the pun) you have said that the safety level on this proposal is nothing to get emotional about as is also the opinion of your experts. With todays level of technology they may not be able to find any future inhr'ent danger from this facility but who knows exactly what technology kicks up in a few decades when more stringent tests prove the experts of today and yesterday wrong again..

The most noteable failiure to detect a problem to date is the case of the miracle invention that was proved by experts to be safe,clean, non toxic and the saviour of the construction industry bringing masses of employment and wealth throughout the country. Well the brilliance of the scientific expert is yet again proved to be catostrophically wrong.

The product I refer to here is none other the safest ever product to be invented ASBESTOS I say again ASBESTOS yes asbestos has given us a legacy of lung cancer and related diseases such as asbestosis worse than the coal dust in the mines or the smoking of cigarettes but the experts always say they are never wrong but as I have just proved time will tell in the end as it always will without exception. Speaking of time I would like to ask you to stop treating decent people like the dumb animals you once catered for in your pet shop days, because animals are not as thick or emotional as you my believe.

Thank you for your courtesy in reading this communication of which additional copies will be emailed to MP's and AM's and will be posted on various social networking websites.

Anyone else fortunate enough to read and understand this and not be a dumb animal please pass it on to those for which you love and care.

Yes speaking of time Mr James I think your time is about up.

Kind Regards
Barrie V Evans

So you have read the letter please let me know your feelings at the above email address at your earliest convenience. I would be most grateful for your comments.

Recently I had a communication by email from a friend in new york which is conducive to the fight for a cleaner world.

A red Indian friend of his, a former Cherokee Chief that all red Indians believe that the white man dooms the earth. This extract from my conversation with him goes as will follow " Indian tribes such as The Souix, Cree and Cherokee, etc all have the same saying all be it worded slightly differently and this was passed down from father to son with the birth of the oil boom."

"When the last rain forrest is felled
When the last fish in the seas oceans and rivers die from poison water
When there is nothing left to heat and power the world
Only then will the white man learn that he cannot eat money and that the money did not grow from the tree.

That is a very fitting tribute to 21st century life and nicely sums everything up .

I have since found out that letters I wrote to the local press on the subject of the council were not printed on the grounds that I was trying to cause emotional hysteria throughout The Vale of Glamorgan. You can guess who it was that instructed the local press not to print them.

You can visit the Vale of Glamorgan and see the spectacular countryside and coast line of The Bristol Channel but remember also that you will be guests in a famous council run area where the views of the public count for nothing

Think about all you have read and the possible further emissions of carcinogenic particals.

and remember

Live life like you are going to die tommorrow
but look after your earth as if you are going to live for ever.

All the best folks, on a slightly lighter note if you know the winning numbers to the next lottery send them on to me.

Cheers folks
